Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Week 4 Al Pacino's Any Given Sunday Speech 



  1. Al Pacino's speech is probably one of the most exciting, inspirational speeches I have ever heard. He does a good job of starting off calm and with a soft voice to ease the audience. He starts with a story of his own from his past, which is very effective, and sets the mood and intrigues the audience. Then, all of a sudden he gets into the speech by adding power to his words and he raises the tone of his voice. He does this to get all of the players attention to pump them up for the game they are about to play. Throughout the entire speech his posture and eye contact were normal, giving the speech more stability. The way he would use his hands and his other gestures during the speech helped to bring extra emphasis to the purpose of his speech. He remained appropriate throughout his speech, even though he did throw out a few swear words here and there. He used them to help get his point across in an inspiring manner. Overall, I think this was a great speech. He never got off topic, and kept the audiences attention at all times. His bodily gestures were normal, and eye contact was on point. He did a great job inspiring his team which was the purpose of this speech.

    1. I agree with Matt, his intro starts off slow and then his speech gets rolling and builds excitement and anticipation, like jaws theme music or a slow to fast clap. Once his speech hit the body he was fired up delivering his words with great power, motivating the players. His body movement was appropriate for the speech because it helped with the power. Overall I also agree that this was a great motivational and powerful speech

    2. I also agree with Matt, I think that the way he starts off his speech is very casual and calm. As the speech went on the more power and meaning was put into it. I feel like this really connected with his players or audience and as the speech played out the more intense and inspiring it got. Overall I think this was a great speech and it was very motivational.

    3. I agree with your view on the speech. He does do a very good job of starting off calm with a soft voice to ease the audience. He brings in the audience with his serious tone and how he made mistakes when he was younger. He also connected with the audience very well and allowed them to become motivated. When he began to raise his voice and show the players what they can do that's when they got really excited. Overall i agree that this speech was very inspirational and exciting.

    4. I agree with your opinion on Al Pacino's speech. It was interesting and motivational as well as personal. I agree that the speech was amplified by the slow rise in volume and emotion. I agree that his eye contact and body movement were overall good. Though he did use some unclean language, it did not take away from his speech. Overall I agree with everything you said and agree that this was a very well done speech.

  2. I agree, he had good eye contact with the audience. He did start off with a soft tone, then towards the end he got more powerful. it was kind of hard to hear him in the beginning of the speech though. he was appropriate, but had a couple curse words. his body language was good, he didn't move to much or to little. i think this was a inspirational speech to motivate his team to play with all they got.

  3. Al Pacino quickly grabs the attention of his audience by being very emotional in the beginning and building up his speech with the tone of his voice. It was clear he was very passionate about how he was talking to his players. Anyone with a beating pulse would instantly become motivated and have adrenaline flowing through them after this speech.

  4. I agree that Al Pacino did an excellent job of accomplishing his goal of inspiring his players. He achieved his goal by using great tone and stayed focused throughout the speech. He made the speech powerful by building it up, starting off slow then getting louder and more passionate. Overall one of the best speeches to date.

  5. i agree that Al Pacino did an excellent job with the speech and was very inspiring to his players. i liked that he started off quieter and then as the speech went on got louder and louder i think that added to the speech instead of him yelling the whole time. i also liked that he connected football to life and was able to make his message more effective by doing so. he also kept good eye contact and didnt move around to much which made it easy for the players to listen to. the tone of his voice made the speech very moving.

  6. I think that Al Pacino did a very good job at getting his point across. He used proper eye contact and talked to and at the players. At the beginning he was very strong but quiet but it got the attention of the players and made them get motivated when he went on and on with his speech. The message was given to the players once he got louder and showed them what he wanted. Overall this speech was very good and motivational.

  7. Al Pacino may have started off soft, but it was a soft tone leading into a very powerful speech. He had execellent eye contact by looking at each and everyone of the players, giving them confidence to enjoy and get inspired by his speech. Al Pacino got his point across and did it in an effective way, by leading the team into a pumped and excited attiude. These types of speeches are the ones you want to hear more often, starting off slow and leading into great power. I thought this speech overall was very motivational and great at reaching out to the audience.

  8. I have to agree with Matt. Though the beginning started off soft and slow, it made it that much more powerful as the speech progressed and as Al Pacino raised his voice to emphasize his main points. The way he added a story from his personal life to show emotion really worked in well with his main point which was to inspire his team to go back out there and fight for every inch to win the game. I think all in all it was a very well done, moving, and powerful speech, and that Al Pacino did a very good job at getting his main points across.

  9. This speech carried a lot of weight and was presented as such. You could tell Pacino was very passionate about the speech and its subject matter by his eye contact and his overall tone, as well as his way of handling the topic. It was a very motivational to say the least.

  10. I agree Al Pacino did a great job with his speech . He was able to project his voice creating good tone .trying to get the whole team motivated which he was able to do .You can tell he worked in a lot of emotion to show and he meant all of it .In my opinion it was a very good motivational speech

  11. Although it did not affect me personally and I did not enjoy it, Pacino was a very heartfelt, emotional speaker that got his point across clearly and concisely, his tone matched up to the matters he was speaking about, as well as his body movement.
