Monday, February 10, 2014

Week 3 Nick Vujicic Speech  "No Arms, No Legs, No Worries"


  1. The "No Arms, No Legs, No worries" speech by Nick Vujicic was a very inspirational speech. He speaks very well towards his audience and the speech was very appropriate for the audience. The audience was fully engaged in listening to this mans speech. Nick speaks with conviction to get his ideas across to the audience. He speaks strongly about his beliefs on life and living. He does this in his stories about how he still lives his life to the fullest even with the physical disabilities he has. His eye contact through the whole speech is very good and he is always looking right at the audience. His body language is fast paced which keeps the audience into the speech. He is always moving from side to side and not just standing still. This makes the audience interested. Nick uses a lot of humor throughout his speech which creates a good atmosphere. He does this by telling his stories of how he likes to mess with people. One of these stories is when he says how he pulled up to a red light and there was a girl in the car next to him so he got her attention and while she was looking over he loosened his seatbelt enough to turn fully around in his seat to greatly confuse the girl. In my opinion this was a very good speech that shows you that no matter what you are dealing with you should always live life to fullest and don't let anything stop you from enjoying yourself.

    1. I agree with your opinion on the speech. It was motivational and entertaining. He was very good at keeping eye contact and his movement did add to the excitement of the speech. I agree that he was funny, and that his conviction was strong. Overall like you said, is was a very good speech.

    2. i fully agree with you jesse. it was an entertaining speech that kept the audience interested through comedy. it was motivational on the fact that you can achieve anything you put your mind was a very well put together speech.

    3. I agree with you with I think that Nick's speech is very good, it is inspirational, entertaining, and motivational. He is very good at making the audience interested, he is very funny and has a knack for story telling. Overall this was a very good speech.

    4. I agree with you Jesse, I feel he made an amazing speech. He did an excellent job making a motivational speech entertaining. Throughout the entire speech he maintained great eye contact with the entire audience. His continuous movement throughout the speech made it upbeat, which added to the excitement. He was able to make his speech funny and very easy to watch, while he kept the power and the point. Altogether I feel the speech was put together excellently put together.

    5. I definitely agree with you, I do think Nick's speech was very well put together. His eye contact was on point, and he used comedy to keep the audiences attention especially when he told the story about him and the girl at the red light. His overall attitude made the speech even more interesting. He was still happy and had a lot of good, inspirational stories even when he has a major disability. He showed the audience good character and self pride. I also agree with you when you said that the audience was fully engaged to the mans speech. Nick's movement and comedy throughout the speech lured their attention in. Overall it was a great, inspirational speech that touched many people.

    6. I agree with your comment on this speech, I believe that it was very inspirational and entertaining speech. The fact that Nick used humor throughout the speech created a positive atmosphere. His conviction was strong and he had great eye contact. I agree that this was a good/ well put together speech.

    7. Nick's speech was excellent, it could have been sort of touchy subject for some people due to having disabilities but Nick did an amazing job at giving an inspiring and well though speech. He did a great job at speaking loud and giving full eye contact it was a really great speech all around.

    8. I agree with both of your speeches. This speech was fantastic and Nick did a great job at presenting his speech. His story and presentation make the speech very inspirational. His story proves that no matter what you can achieve anything. Nick's eye contact and audience interaction really made the speech more interesting. Overall it was a job well done.

  2. The "No Arms, No Legs, No worries" speech by Nick Vujicic was an uplifting speech. He inspires the audience by using humor and staying positive despite his disabilities. His presentation reflected his personality well to the audience, speaking with much conviction. Nick did a great job of keeping the crowd entertained by using body motion and recalling previous stories. I think his speech was excellent because he influences the audience to stay positive and do great things no matter what obstacles you face.

  3. I agree with Jesse on the speech. I liked how he used so much humor in his speech because it was such a touchy subject and in my opinion, it could have been a bit awkward for the audience. His stories helped the audience feel a little more comfortable with nick. Even though his speech was very humorous, it was also inspirational in the sense of him being so positive about life, even though he is in the situation that he is in.

  4. I agree with Jesse for his opinion on this speech. I enjoyed how much body language and movement he used, and also the word choice he chose to create the inspirational atmosphere. Using his own personal stories did energize his speech and adding humor kept the impression light and positive.

  5. Vujicic did a great job giving his speech. He was very personable and engaging to the audience members. As sad as it is, people often view those with disabilities differently, and Vujicic is aware of this. He does a good job getting the audience to see him as a regular guy, which he is. He also gave off a very positive vibe.

  6. This speech was fantastic, he talked to the audience, not at them, and managed to engage them in a fun, interesting way. It's rare to find someone speak about such a serious, often depressing issue, in such a lively manner, but it works fantastically for him - near perfectly.
