Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Week 1 Remember the Titans Coach Boone Speech


  1. The speech, although powerful, only somewhat spoke to his audience. I rank it a 3 out of 5 in this criteria for that reason. Coach Boone does speak with conviction during the speech, this is portrayed by the confidence in his words and his body language, for this I rank it a 5 out of 5.
    Although the use of conviction was very evident, Coach Boone used almost no contact, therefore he gets a 0 out of 5 for this criteria. There is no humor, but pauses were made occasionally after powerful statements, in this criteria Coach Boone is awarded a 3 out of 5. The clip was mediocre, because of the circumstances of the speech, the lack of eye contact, and use of very little intrapersonal communication, for these reasons I rate the speech 3 out of 5. Coach Boone's speech has been awarded a total of 14 points out of 25.

    1. I have to disagree and say that Coach Boone is talking to his audience, although he is not making hardly any eye contact, they are still his audience that he is talking to. He was speaking with conviction saying that men need to come together, or else we will be destroyed like the men from Gettysburg. I agree that there is no humor in this because his tone was making it clear it was not a laughing matter, and also i agree there were occasional pauses after powerful statements.

    2. Without the involvement or eye contact toward his audience, it made the speech more of a bad lecture and less of an inspirational speech. Since he didn't involve his audience, one can perceive Coach Boone as pretentious and arrogant. Without bringing any lighter moments into the speech, the audience left only glum from what they had been lectured about. They did receive the message Coach Boone was delivering, but it lost its impact because of how it was presented. It was good enough, so that's why I gave it a passing grade of 14/25.

    3. Although you make a valid point on the lack of eye contact, I have to disagree that it made the speech only mediocre. I believe that actually how he kept looking to the field of Gettysburg made him seem as though he was deep in thought of the past. Had he given the speech while holding eye contact the entire time it would have seemed like he was staring them down and the speech would have come off as a harsh lecture rather than the motivational speech it was. He still addressed the team, and not someone else, he still used diction that was at the level of his audience, so I believe that he was in fact talking to his audience. This is clearly seen in how he said how they had to come together as a team. Who had to come together? The audience, his team, so if he was not talking to them, who was he talking to? I found it to be a moving speech with a lot of conviction in his words. Other than the eye contact and talking to the audience statements, I think what you said was valid and I agree with most of it.

    4. I would have to agree with both Caitlyn and Kayla, even though he had lacked eye contact, his speech was powerful and had full meaning. He was showing the team the battlefield and how they would have to come together as one. Coach Boone did a great job reaching to his audience/team and even though his eye contatct was not on them the entire time, he still had their attention, which makes a great speaker.

    5. I have to agree with Sam's rating of the speech overall. I agree that very little to no contact was made with any of the audience, although I do believe his point was made clear. The speech did do what it was meant to by intensifying and hyping up the audience to get ready for a battle and also so that they learn to work as a team and not end up like the men who fought at Gettysburg, including Coach Boones brother.

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  3. Although Coach Boone uses very little eye contact with his audience, I still think he got his message across. I feel like his back was turned and his head was down for a reason, because combined with the eerieness of the empty field, it made for an intense and chilling feeling. And that was the whole point of the speech, right? To intensify and motivate the team to work together more so they don't end up like the men of Gettysburg. I don't feel like Coach Boone needed to make eye contact with this audience, as he is respected by them and they are going to listen to whatever he says regardless. Other than that I agree with your comment, as he did a great job of delivering the speech with conviction and utilizing nonverbal communication as well.

  4. I would have to disagree with your rating of this speech. Although he lacked eye contact, he looked into the field which drove the power of his speech. These pauses showed that the speech was serious. The lack of humor was not a mistake in this speech, this is a serious topic and has no need for humor. Humor would pull away from the power and seriousness of the speech. Adding humor to this speech would not help it as you say, I feel as though it would hurt the speech. Not all speeches need humor and there are very many famous, widely known speeches lacking it.

  5. I would have to agree with Josh and Justin. Even though the coach lacked eye contact he still delivered a very powerful and serious speech. He showed the men where people died in a war zone because they could not accept one another. The men looked around and realized they needed to accept one another and not discriminate against color. These powerful thoughts occurred just from the coach's one line of his speech. This was a very serious speech and I believe everyone knew this and thought it was serious.

  6. The speech was indeed powerful and did very well as a motivational speech in the context of the film. His intention was clear and very well-said. He basically let the players know that despite their backgrounds, they share a common bond, and to not let skin color get in the way of their love of the game.

  7. The speech was very powerful from start to finish. Coach made it very clear that what he was discussing was not a joking matter. He never used humor in his speaking due to this topic. I agree with Sam in the sense that Coach did not use eye contact. Leaving out eye contact makes the receiver feel that the speaker has self-doubt or no emotional connection to the audience. Overall I still think the speech was very powerful and serious and he did get his overall point across.

  8. I feel as if the coach delivered a powerful speech and stated his message pretty straight forward, but however he did lack eye contact when speaking but i thought he spoke clearly and got his points across.

  9. I feel that not showing eye contact gave his speech more of a purpose. By not making eye contact, he made the team feel as if he wasn't singling anyone out about the race problem. It made him sound like he was talking to the team as one instead of each person as an individual.

  10. i feel that because he didnt make eye contact is had more of an impact that he didnt single anyone out. By not talking straight to them he was able to talk to them as a whole. i think the speech was very impactful and he was able to convey emotion and his feelings

  11. The coach was a great motivator and leader for his team. There is a lot of motivation throughout this entire video. Although the eye contact is lacking his point is made as well as his message.

  12. The coach did not give good eye contact but he still got his point out there and proved it. The team was motivated to do as he said and follows the directions which showed how clear the message really is.

  13. The coach performed a very thought provoking, good intentioned speech. However, his lack of personal communication - of making it more relevant to his viewers, and lack of making himself lowered to his audience's level makes it hard to listen if you were a part of the intended audience.
